solutions for what ails you
There is a reason you have made your way to my website and it’s probably because
People seek my help for dozens of reasons, but if you boil it down they all have one thing in common — they feel stuck.
Are you PHYSICALLY stuck? You may have:
- Chronic pain that is making your retirement years more “grouchy” than “golden”
- Life-limiting symptoms that have lingered for months (or even years) after your last covid infection
- Allergies that make you wonder whether Texas pollen will one day be the death of you or sinuses that have you stuck on the antibiotic merry-go-round
- Hormonal imbalances that have you (and your spouse!) at your wit’s end
- Yet another negative pregnancy test and an aching heart that wonders if your dream of becoming a mother will never come true
- Or another nagging health concern.
You’ve been to a bunch of doctors and you’ve tried a handful of different medications. The pills help you get through the day, but you don’t like the fact that you never get to the root of the problem, you worry about side effects, and every year your insurance pays less at the doctor’s office and pharmacy.
Are you EMOTIONALLY stuck? You may be:
- Irritable to the point that you worry you’ll end up featured in the next viral “crazy Karen” video on TikTok
- Foggy and fatigued during the day when you need to focus, yet wide awake as soon as it’s time for bed
- Overwhelmed by all your responsibilities and a lot more apt to forget important things than you used to be
- Incapable of setting your cell phone down for more than five minutes
- Powerless to quit bad habits, whether it’s Diet Coke, sleeping pills, or hours and hours a day doom scrolling social media
You can’t put your finger on why, but you feel dissatisfied, deflated, disconnected, and maybe even depressed. You know that there’s more to life than trudging through the workday and collapsing in front of Netflix after dinner, but you don’t know where to look for the peace of mind, connection, and joy that you crave.
Though it seems foreign and mysterious to many Westerners, modern acupuncture is a minimally invasive and extremely safe procedure that awakens, strengthens, and focuses the body’s own capacity to heal itself. It does this by stimulating the nervous system, vascular system, and connective tissues in ways that no other intervention can.
No medication, therapy, or surgery can do what acupuncture does.
Live Oak Acupuncture & Wellness Center is a locally-owned and family-run business.
When you visit, our goal is for you to feel like a welcome guest in our home.
Kristen Horner Warren holds a doctoral degree in Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine. She is licensed as an acupuncturist by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and is a board-certified herbalist. She also holds a master’s degree in physiology and has a broad skeptical streak. This background uniquely qualifies her to offer safe, gentle, practical, and cost-effective health care geared toward people who don’t think of themselves as the woo-woo type.
Lee F. Warren is an ex-professional rodeo cowboy, an Air Force veteran, and an aircraft mechanic. He became an enthusiastic believer in acupuncture when Kristen cured his decades-old case of shoulder pain on their second date.
We are the proud parents of three busy, active young men. Their athletic endeavors keep us busy in our spare time.
Since 2003 we have helped thousands of Central Texans with conditions ranging from arthritis to anxiety, chronic pain to cedar fever, fertility enhancement to fibromyalgia, and sciatica to shingles (as well as many more!) We have knack for helping patients with complex challenges cut through a sea of conflicting health advice and get on the shortest, simplest, and most cost-effective path to relief.
If this sounds like something YOU need, let’s connect.
Research has shown that acupuncture is more effective than drugs, surgery, or physical therapy for several conditions and has the benefit of being safer and causing fewer side effects than other interventions. Learn More About Acupuncture
Although herbs are natural, they are also serious medicine. As a board-certified herbalist, I can custom prescribe a formula that is right for your needs and dispense it from my on-site pharmacy. Learn More About Apothecary
Gua sha, cupping, and stimulation of acu-points with laser or gentle electrical current are some of the non-needle therapy options I offer. These techniques may be used in addition to or instead of acupuncture. Learn More About Non-Needle Solutions
…Now Kristen is my primary doctor. She is more knowledgeable, has better critical thinking skills, and more concern than any doctor I have met. The 2 book resources that have been critical to my healing process emotionally and physically came directly from Kristen’s hands. Kristen is not a quack practicing hocus pocus. I am a biochemistry PhD candidate, and I feel comfortable with Kristen. She has a scientific, research-oriented mind, yet realizes where western medicine falls short or lacks knowledge. I can’t say enough good things about her. The clinic treats me like family. Their love can be felt. My condition has made a lot of progress and if anyone can help me get well it is Kristen. She is a gift from God to me and many others.
E.B., College Station TXI came to Kristen as a last resort with allergies as well as problems with balance and not able to walk without pain. What she was able to accomplish was for me huge. I had not been able to take my dogs out to even throw a ball. I was able to share a picture with her of one of my dogs with a huge smile, ball in her mouth, and a big THANK YOU to Kristen.
S.W., Waco TXI’ve been going to see Kristen Horner Warren at Live Oak Acupuncture for 7 years & never once has she told me, “there’s nothing I can do for you.” From chronic to acute health problems she’s always helped me. I don’t know how I’d make it through without her. If you’ve been having health issues that you can’t seem to find a reason for, or medications haven’t been able to help you, I really urge you to consider trying this approach.
D.G., Waco TXMy mother suffers from frontal lobe dementia, after two treatments and taking the supplements Kristen has recommended, my mother is doing amazingly better! Before seeing Kristen, she was weak not standing or walking, she did not move her hands, very stiff and unsocial… this has all changed!!! My mother has stood and walked by herself, it was shaky but she did it! she has reached for her drink cup, she has not done this in over a year. Very social now even with our dog! She is now able to help with get in and out the car… her strength is better and her mood has improved. I was told by her general Dr she would never improve… I was so happy to take her to her last check up :0) My grandson was also having reoccurring ear infections for over a year, he was put on many different antibiotics that did not help. After seeing Kristen he has not had an ear infection in over six months!!! What a blessing Kristen has been to my family! Thank you!
T.T., Lakeland FL
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